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leaving(int, int, int) - Method in class teilchen.cubicle.CubicleEntity
leaving(int, int, int) - Method in class teilchen.cubicle.CubicleParticle
leaving(int, int, int) - Method in interface teilchen.cubicle.ICubicleEntity
returns true if the new position don t match the previously stored position
length() - Method in class teilchen.util.Vector4f
lengthSquared() - Method in class teilchen.util.Vector3i
lengthSquared() - Method in class teilchen.util.Vector4f
lengthSquared(PVector) - Static method in class teilchen.util.Util
LineDeflector2D - Class in teilchen.force
LineDeflector2D() - Constructor for class teilchen.force.LineDeflector2D
Linef - Class in teilchen.util
Linef() - Constructor for class teilchen.util.Linef
LineIntersectionConstraint - Class in teilchen.constraint
LineIntersectionConstraint(Particle) - Constructor for class teilchen.constraint.LineIntersectionConstraint
lineLineIntersect(PVector, PVector, PVector, PVector, PVector) - Static method in class teilchen.util.Intersection
lineLineIntersect(PVector, PVector, PVector, PVector, PVector, PVector) - Static method in class teilchen.util.Intersection
from paul bourke ( http://local.wasp.uwa.edu.au/~pbourke/geometry/lineline3d/ )
loop(float) - Method in class teilchen.util.CollisionManager
loop(float) - Method in class teilchen.util.ParticleTrail
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