All Classes and Interfaces

envelope with (A)ttack (D)ecay (S)ustain (R)elease stages: ADSR
creates a sequence of notes based on an input pattern.
data structure for storing note information.
communicates with the underlying audio systems.
interface for audio callbacks of AudioBufferManager
continuously triggers a beat(int) event.
Estimates the locations of percussive onsets using a simple method described in "Drum Source Separation using Percussive Feature Detection and Spectral Modulation" by Dan Barry, Derry Fitzgerald, Eugene Coyle and Bob Lawlor, ISSC 2005.
similar to Beat with the exception that events are triggered from DSP.
similar to Beat except that it handles multiple listeners.
interface for listeners of BeatEvent.
similar to Beat except that beat events are triggered by an external MIDI CLOCK signal.
a delay line.
distorts a signal with different distortion strategies.
handles audio signal processing.
interface implemented by classes that accept mono input signals.
interface implemented by classes that accept stereo ( or more multi-channel ) input signals.
interface implemented by classes that produce mono output signals.
interface implemented by classes that create stereo ( or more multi-channel ) output signals.
interface implemented by classes that process mono signals.
interface implemented by classes that process stereo ( or more multi-channel ) signals.
envelope with multiple stages.
envelope stage
detect an envelope from an input signal
interface for listeners of events created by Envelope.
listens to incoming MIDI messages.
listens to incoming OSC messages.
Wrapper for calling a hopefully Fast Fourier transform.
implements the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT).
Balance Filter 1st order
Low-Pass Filter 1st order
biquad filter inspired by Audio-EQ-Cookbook.txt
collection of butterworth filters
provides 3 kinds of filters: high-, low- and band-pass filtering with adjustable resonance and cutoff frequency.
High-Pass Filter 1st order
Low-Pass Filter 1st order
low-pass filter implementing the Moog Ladder.
Resonator Filter
FM synthesis with two oscillators, carrier ( e.g fundamental or *pitch* ) and modulator.
Grid is a class that structures a continously increasing beat count into a temporal grid by generating repeating events.
"The Harmonic Table note-layout, or tonal array, is a key layout for musical instruments that offers interesting advantages over the traditional keyboard layout."
base class for all instruments
implementation of Instrument for the internal tone engine.
a collection of DSP instruments.
MIDI constants
handles communication with MIDI devices
interface for listeners of MidiIn
handles communication with MIDI devices
supplies a collection of noise generators: white, gaussian, pink and simplex/perlin noise.
supplies a series of note constants and methods to convert note values to frequencies and vice versa.
generates a signal from a mathematical function ( e.g sine, triangle, saw or square waveform ) at different frequencies and amplitudes.
position a mono signal somewhere in a stereo space.
a Patch allows to compose complex DSP configurations.
detectes the pitch of a signal.
applies reverb to a signal.
generates low-fi text-to-speech audio synthesis.
sample data of a recorded snare drum.
plays back an array of samples at different speeds.
Scale supplies a collection of musical scales.
a container for values ( e.g musical notes ) that can be played back step by step.
makes use of the internal macOS speech engine to produce text-to-speech output.
Tone handles instruments and the playing of musical notes.
the underlying engine that is used by Tone to handle instruments.
implementation of ToneEngine using internal DSP audio processing.
implementation of ToneEngine sending MIDI messages to external MIDI devices.
implementation of ToneEngine sending OSC messages to external network devices.
a Track allows to compose complex compositional and DSP configurations.
generates an event from an oscillating input signal.
superimposes a modulator signal ( e.g a human voice ) onto a carrier signal ( e.g sawtooth oscillator ).
parses sample data to WAV file format ( as bytes ) and vice versa.
plays back a chunk of samples ( i.e arbitrary, single-cycle waveform like sine, triangle, saw or square waves ) at different frequencies and amplitudes.
contains constants and utility methods for the wellen library.